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From Wikimania
This page is a translated version of the page Hackathon and the translation is 22% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.






You can submit Friendly Space observations, suggestions, or reports in person, by email (rfarrand @ wikimedia.org, or by telegram (to anyone on this list). We welcome all discussions and thoughts and are always looking for ways to make this event more inclusive to everyone.


This year's focus areas will be:

Please see the event's Phabricator work board to review the hackathon's projects and sessions. Also make sure to add your own.


  • セッションは、ウィキメディアのいずれかの技術分野が対象
  • スキルシェアは、ウィキメディアプロジェクトの技術スタックに関する話題
  • スプリントは、プロジェクトの特定の領域の推進関連(例えば説明文書、翻訳、設計など)
  • 注目プロジェクトは、貢献者による開発初学者向けのプロジェクト案

ウィキマニアのハッカソンで大規模なスプリントやトラックその他のプロジェクトを提案したいけれど、その準備に協力が必要な方は、レイチェル・ファランド(Rachel Farrand)<rfarrand@wikimedia.org> に連絡して詳細を打ち合わせてください。



How to schedule a session

All registered hackathon participants will be welcome to edit the program directly with your own sessions once we open the program for scheduling. This will happen about one week in advance of the hackathon.

  • If your session is an hour or less, you will be able to schedule it yourself directly!
  • Your session must link to an associated Phabricator task that is tagged to the #Wikimania-Hackathon-2018 project.
  • Please try to keep your sessions to 55 minutes so your participants can get to another session. Also please have the room cleared in time for the participants from the session following yours to get settled and start on time.
  • If you are scheduling a session for longer than an hour, need help editing the program, or need help with creating a task on Phabricator, please email rfarrand@wikimedia.org for help (we want to make sure that the limited breakout room space is available for everyone).

If you do not need a projector and expect a group of 3-10 people, please consider scheduling your sessions at a breakout table in the main hacking space. For now, you can add the session to the "Numbered Hackathon tables in Montreal and Mexico City" column on the program. Once you are in Cape Town you will be able to add a table number. There are no limit to the number of sessions that you can schedule in this column or length of these sessions that you schedule.

Schedule your own sessions or check out our program here:



More details about newcomer support and mentoring can be found on our mentoring page.



Volunteer Groups

  • Group Leader: Chris Korner
  • Group description: coordinate your efforts to document the hackathon, upload your images to commons, and meet other hacker-photographers
  • Phabricator task for discussion and details: phab:T199363
  • Group Leader: Srishti Sethi
  • Group description: Write about your experience at the hackathon. Ask for review of your writing. Meet other Wikimedia bloggers. Make sure that your writing ends up being seen!
  • Phabricator task for discussion and details: phab:T199400
  • Group Leader: Aaron Halfaker, Rachel Farrand
  • Group description: Help newcomers get connected with projects and people around the hackathon. You can be a social mentor, a technical mentor, a part-time mentor, a full-time mentor or any combination.
  • Discussion and details: Hackathon/mentoring - Make sure to be at the poster creation and matching sessions on Wednesday Morning (see the hackathon program)
Technical / Social helpdesk staff
  • Group Leader: Rachel Farrand
  • Group description: Take a shift at the physical help desk. Your job will be to chat with people and help them find projects, tasks, or mentors.
  • Discussion and details: You can sign up for a shift at the help-desk here, otherwise just show up and ask how you can help! :)


You can find participant information on the Hackathon/Participants Page, everyone included on the participants page opted in to having their user name published during registration. Please take a moment to check and update your entry!


このプログラムは、ハッカソン参加者30人からウィキマニアの参加者すべてに向けて、自分のプロジェクトを発表する機会になります。 プレゼンテーションは短く簡潔で、技術系ではないウィキマニア参加者にも理解できる内容にしてください。



  • ノートパソコンと充電器。これらなしで参加するのはかなり厳しいです。
  • 電源用の変換プラグ
  • 携帯電話充電器
  • 使い慣れた筆記用アプリや道具
  • 再使用可能なボトル(中身を補充して使ってください)
  • プレゼンテーションに備えて、映像出力コンバータ
    • (ご注意:充電器や変換プラグその他には所有者のユーザ名/電子メールアドレスを書いたシールを貼るようお勧めします)



  • 運営委員長レイチェル・ファランド (Rachel Farrand) rfarrandwikimedia.org