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From Wikimania

Session scheduling is done un-conference style. Create a phabricator task with the details (example), and list it below. We have limited break-out rooms so please consider scheduling discussions or sprints at your hacking table in the main hacking room. We will number the tables so it will be easy to find each other.

Tuesday, 17 July

Participants arrive in Cape Town

Wednesday, 18 July

Room Name Montreal / VOC Centre Mexico City / VOC Centre Esino Lario/Paarl Washington DC/Villa Suite (3116) Numbered Hackathon tables in Montreal and Mexico City
Room Description Main hacking space. Numbered round tables. 3rd floor Main hacking space. Numbered round tables. 3rd floor 40 person breakout space. Round tables and a projector. 2nd floor Couches and round tables with projector. 75 people. During the hackathon it is reservable for more relaxed sessions. 2nd floor 15 person breakout space with TV screen. This suite is on the 31st floor so all sessions will start at 5 minutes after the hour and end at 5 minutes before the hour to give people time to arrive and leave. If you don't need an entire breakout room to hold your session, training, sprint, etc, and you can hold your hour-long session at a hackathon table, then: list your table number, title of session and associated phab task in this column
09:00 Arrive any time after 9am: Claim your hacking space, start your projects, register, hang out, socialize and/or meet other hackathon participants.
10:00 Hackathon opening Rooms closed
11:00 Hacking! Poster creation session for mentors & mentoring program over for mentors SESSION FOR NEWCOMERS: Introduction to Wikimedia technical areas and projects Language focus area meetup: overview and getting started

If you can write in any human language, you already have sufficient skills to contribute something that will have immediate impact. Come and see how!

12:00 Hacking SESSION FOR NEWCOMERS: Mentors and newcomers meet!
13:00 Hacking! SESSION:Q and A for Structured Data on Commons
14:00 De-mystifying jenkins (Introduction to Wikimedia Continuous Integration/CI)
15:00 SESSION FOR NEWCOMERS: Learn to use Phabricator!
16:00 ScienceSource focus list session: why and how?
17:00 Hackathon reception: drinks & food to help you hack! Technical Advice IRC Meeting: The Wikimania Special
19:00 Hacking!
20:00 Hacking continues thoughout the night in VOC

If you need a quiet space to work then we suggest the ground floor of the hotel which has lounge areas.

Evening: we will identify a local bar where participants can join if they want to socialize with other hackathon participants.

Thursday, 19 July

Room Name Montreal / VOC Centre Mexico City / VOC Centre Esino Lario/Paarl Washington DC/Villa Suite 3116 Numbered Hackathon tables in Montreal and Mexico City
Room Description Main hacking space. Numbered round tables Main hacking space. Numbered round tables 40 person breakout space. Round tables and a projector This will be the 24 hour hacking space throughout all of Wikimania. Both couches and round tables. During the hackathon it is reservable for more relaxed sessions. 15 person breakout space with TV screen If you don't need an entire breakout room to hold your session, training, sprint, etc, and you can hold your hour-long session at a hackathon table, then: list your table number, title of session and associated phab task in this column
09:00 Arrive any time after 9am: Claim your hacking space, start your projects, register, hang out, socialize and/or meet other hackathon participants.
10:00 10:00 - 10:15: A 15 minute morning-#2 opening Rooms closed
11:00 Hacking! SESSION FOR NEWCOMERS: Still don't know what to work on? Join this session! Water editathon Languages, Scripts, and Variants: LanguageConverter (Table #8 in the Language corner)

Contributing on mobile - interviews and user testing with editors (Table #15)

12:00 Season of RevisionSlider Q&A (Meet at Documentation Corner)

Contributing on mobile - interviews and user testing with editors (Table #15)

13:00 Doing Cool Things with Wiki Content (Parsoid Power) Contributing on mobile - interviews and user testing with editors (Table #15)
14:00 SPRINT: Wikidata properties for Structured Data on Commons SESSION FOR NEWCOMERS: Google Summer of Code and Outreachy information session (Meet at Mentoring Corner)

Contributing on mobile - interviews and user testing with editors (Table #15)

15:00 Improving the edit conflict resolution screen: Methods, mistakes and mystery
16:00 Group Photo Location: MainHackathon space (Montreal / VOC Centre) on the stage
17:00 Hackathon closing Rooms closed
18:00 Hacking!
20:00 Rooms closed 24 hour hacking in Washington DC/Villa Rooms closed

If you need a quiet space to work then we suggest the ground floor of the hotel which has lounge areas.

All hackathon spaces close at 20:00 on Thursday with the exception of Washington DC/Villa which remains a 24 hour hacking space until 20:00 on Sunday evening.

Friday, Saturday & Sunday, 20 - 22 July

24 hour hacking space available to hackathon participants. Should have coffee and snacks 24/7.

Sunday Showcase

Sunday 14:30 - 15:30: Hackathon showcase - room VOC North

Monday, 23 July

Participants head home!