Program/Gaps in Global GLAM capacity: A Discussion

- Notes
- Format
- Keywords
- Global South
- Asia
- Africa
- When and where
- Friday 20 July, 11:00
- Duration: 55 minutes
- Presenter(s)
- Topic area
- Relationship to theme
GLAM-Wiki projects are some of the most common programmatic activities in the Wikimedia movement, engaging experts and volunteers in collecting and sharing rare heritage materials with the world. Yet many of the projects reported in This Month in GLAM and other venues come from the long established group of GLAM-Wiki practices in Europe and the Americas. In light of the movement direction's focus on Equity, it's important to understand the challenges facing communities wanting to start GLAM activities throughout other parts of the world.
This panel will explore the challenges, opportunities and gaps faced by Wikimedia communities wanting to engage GLAM projects. These questions likely will include: - What does GLAM mean to you? What does it mean to your local community? - What challenges do you face when reaching out to institutions? - What kinds of projects work best in your context? Why? - What documentation, technologies or skills do you know that are missing in your community? - Example of the GLAM projects in your country. - What support do you need from other Wikimedia community organizations with more experience in GLAM projects?
The session will start with brief introductions of the projects that each of the panelist participate in, and then focus on exploring these questions in conversation first among the panelist, and then with questions from the audience.
- <add your username here if you are interested in attending>