A:任何人都可以提交申请。但是,奖学金只会分发给具有一定资格的个人,请参阅#Scholarship eligibility。
Q: 申请截止日期是什么时候?结果什么时候发布?
A: 参见Special:MyLanguage/Scholarships#Important dates,其中提供了维基媒体基金会奖学金计划的完整计划时间表。
Q: 用户可以在截止日期之后提交维基媒体基金会奖学金申请吗?
A: 为确保最终决策结果按时公平地公布给其他申请人,逾期申请将不被接受。建议至少在截止日期前几天提交申请,以避免遗漏申请。
Q: 维基媒体基金会奖学金申请人如何获得结果通知?
A: 应用程序中提供的电子邮件地址将用于通知个人其申请是否成功。无论结果如何,都会在某些时候联系所有申请人。有关预期通知日期,请参阅Special:MyLanguage/Scholarships#Important dates。
Q: 维基媒体基金会奖学金获得者的基础是什么?
A: 使用预定的选择过程和选择标准,維基媒體基金會工作人员和奖学金委员会审查维基媒体基金会奖学金的所有申请,并确定哪些是成功的。
Q: Global North和Global South如何定义?
A: 有关维基媒体基金会奖学金计划使用的定义,请参见strategy:Global South。
Q: 维基媒体基金会奖学金申请通常在特定年份提交多少份?
A: 对于2013年維基媒體國際會議提交了1219份奖学金申请。2014年維基媒體國際會議略有下降,其中提交了1168份申请,并在2015年大幅减少,其中提交了约600份申请。对于2016年維基媒體國際會議,提交了约500份申请。
Q: 有多少维基媒体基金会奖学金?
Q: 收件人在活动结束后应在哪里提交报告?
A 參見m:Grants:TPS/Wikimania scholars.
Q: 有哪些类型的奖学金?
A: 对于2018年维基媒体国际会议,维基媒体基金会提供两种类型的奖学金:全额奖学金和部分奖学金。有关详细信息请参阅Scholarships#Scholarship details。其他维基媒体组织也可能提供全部或部分奖学金见维基媒体组织奖学金。
Q: 是否提供国别特定奖学金?
A: 维基媒体基金会奖学金可以颁发给几乎所有国家的居民。其他维基媒体组织提供的奖学金通常是针对具体国家的,见维基媒体组织奖学金。
Q: 是不是只有获得奖学金才可以出席维基媒体国际会议?
A: 虽然任何人都可以申请奖学金参加维基媒体国际会议,但最合格的候选人是对维基媒体和维基媒体运动有明显兴趣的一个或多个维基媒体项目,组织或计划的积极贡献者。该计划支持志愿者参与,因此参与有偿全职工作的个人没有资格获得奖学金,例如,基金会或分会的全职员工或承包商不符合资格,如果符合其他标准,那些兼职的人可能有资格进入第2阶段。此外,由于维基媒体相关活动是评估的主要依据,因此不再鼓励单独为非维基媒体自由内容项目或活动做出贡献的个人申请。
Q: 有年龄限制吗?
A: 没有,欢迎任何人申请。但是,如果为儿童申请人提供奖学金,则在获得奖学金之前,必须征得其父母或监护人的同意。在此过程中,儿童被定义为提交申请时未满十八岁的人。
Q: 申请人在提交申请之前是否必须同意任何条款或条件?
A: 是的,它们位于申请表的底部,必须先检查所有条款和条件,然后才能提交申请表。
Q: 申请人为何必须在提交申请前同意某些条款和条件?
A: 确保他们了解他们将要做什么以及如果他们获得奖学金将需要支付的费用。
Q: 申请人在提交申请之前是否必须签署隐私协议?
A: 是的,此协议位于申请表的底部。所有申请必须在相应的框中输入其全名,以表明其同意协议。未满十八周岁的申请人(见上文)还必须让其法定父母或监护人在一个单独的方框中输入其全名。
Q: 为什么申请人在提交申请前必须同意隐私协议?
A: 出于法律原因并确保申请人了解他们提交的数据会发生什么。
Q: 如果申请人已获得奖学金参加之前的维基媒体国际会议,他们是否有资格获得一份2018年维基媒体国际会议的奖学金?
A: 如果2015年、2016年或2017年的维基媒体基金会奖学金获得者未能完成会后报告,则他们将不符合资格。此外,如果申请人连续多次获得维基媒体基金会奖学金,其他具有相似分数的申请人将优先于过去的获奖者。
Q: 如果我有能力去旅行和参加维基媒体国际会议,我应该申请吗?
A: 奖学金获得者不是根据经济需要选择的,因为在审核申请时,维基媒体基金会的工作人员或奖学金委员会无法评估这些因素。但是,要求申请人仔细考虑他们的经济需求,以满足来自世界各地的其他申请人的需求。没有这个机会,许多申请人没有经济能力去参加维基媒体国际会议。
Q: 多个申请人可以提交一份联合申请吗?
A: 不,每个申请人都必须提交自己的申请才能被考虑。
Q: 申请必须用英文提交吗?
A: 不,但强烈建议他们,因为英语是奖学金委员会的所有成员都能理解的唯一语言。如果申请是以英语以外的语言提交的,则会进行翻译尝试,但这可能需要使用并不总能提供准确翻译的计算机翻译。请注意,作为第1阶段选择标准的一部分,申请人必须提供英语语言能力证据,使其能够参与主要以英语进行的维基媒体国际会议,并提交用英语申请是满足这一要求的有效方式。
Q: 申请人是否应该在申请表上回答所有问题?
A: 是的,除非适用于申请人或与申请人无关。如果申请人未能合理地回答问题,他们的申请在第1阶段选择标准可能会失败。
Q: 申请表为何要求提供个人信息?
A: 协助分发奖学金和进行多样性监测,特别是关于2018年维基百科“弥合知识差距:Ubuntu未来之路”的座右铭。请注意,将仅根据选择进程中描述的因素选择收件人。
Q: What Wikimedia project usernames should applicants list on their application form?
A: All usernames that have been used by the applicant for contributing to Wikimedia projects. If a username is shared with someone else, this should be noted on the application. Unused accounts need not be listed. In any case, there is no obligation for applicants to list all accounts they own or use for editing.
Q: Can applicants provide links to pages on other websites as evidence in their answers?
A: Yes, this is encouraged, especially for answering the enrichment related questions. However, links to on-wiki or off-wiki sites should be associated with clear descriptions of the applicant's involvement and contribution. Reviewers will consider all relevant information available to them when reviewing applications.
Q: How much are applicants expected to write when answering the questions?
A: Enough to give reviewers a clear picture of the applicant – guidance on what to write is provided with the Phase 2 selection criteria. The appropriate length for an answer varies from applicant-to-applicant depending on what they have to show. For most applicants, between three and five normal sized paragraphs per question answer will be sufficient. Reviewers do not expect to receive a dissertation, but overly short answers will usually fail to support the application clearly enough. Former scholarship recipients published their applications on metawiki, they can give you an impression on how your text should like.
Q: Can well known/established users skip the questions asking about their participation in Wikimedia projects?
A: No. Having more contributions should normally mean providing longer answers, not shorter answers or no answers at all. On grounds of fairness, all applicants are expected to make a reasonable effort to answer the questions as per the Phase 1 selection criteria.
Q: Can applicants edit their application after submission?
A: Unfortunately not. It is recommended that applicants draft their application carefully and ensure they say everything they need to say before submission. However, additional information can be submitted by applicants to where a member of the Scholarship Committee or Wikimedia Foundation staff will note the new information on the user's application. Please do not submit an application twice; this creates a lot of additional work for reviewers.
Q: Is there anyone who helps me writing my application?
A: Unfortunately, the Scholarship Committee and the organizers cannot respond to all questions regarding individual applications. For general questions to the process however, you can reach out to the latter on . Beyond that, applicants from Africa can reach out to African Scholarship Committee members and supporters Slashme (Afrikaans), Jamie Tubers, Wikicology (Yoruba), Papischou (French) for getting direct feedback.
Scholarship value and reimbursement process
Q: What does a Wikimedia Foundation scholarship pay for?
A: A Wikimedia Foundation full scholarship will cover the cost of an individual's round-trip travel as arranged by the Wikimedia Foundation travel agency, shared accommodation for up to 6 nights as arranged by the Wikimedia Foundation, and the conference registration fee. Note that some meals during the conference are covered by the conference registration fee, such as lunches and receptions. A Wikimedia Foundation partial scholarship will only cover shared accommodation and the conference registration fee.
Q: What expenses are not covered by a Wikimedia Foundation scholarship?
A: Expenses that are not covered include any incidental costs (new passport, travel guides, plug adapters, clothes, etc.), local transportation during the conference (except airport transfers), costs related to being accompanied by families and friends, and all expenses associated with any vacation taken outside of the conference dates. Please note that during the conference, some meals are provided. The Wikimedia Foundation will not normally cover the cost of obtaining a visa (see Travel) or reimburse the cost of meals outside of the conference venue – exceptions may be made upon request.
Q: How will the Wikimedia Foundation pay for the expenses of scholarship recipients? Send them the money? Reimburse them?
A: The Wikimedia Foundation will pay directly for conference registration fees, travel, and shared accommodation. For the booking of transport, applicants are required to use a travel booking service contracted by the Wikimedia Foundation. For transportation to and from the airport (in both their home country and conference venue), WMF will reimburse scholarship recipients if requested.
Q: Can Wikimedia Foundation scholarship recipients book their own travel arrangements and ask for reimbursement?
A: No, as a condition of submitting an application, all applicants must agree to use the travel booking service provided by the Wikimedia Foundation.
Q: 我应该在何时申请参加维基媒体国际会议?
A: People who receive a scholarship will be provided a special code to register for the conference. All final decisions for the Wikimedia Foundation scholarships should be announced by May (see Important dates; the page will be updated in the event of a delay). It is not recommended that applicants register until they have received a final decision on their application.
Q: Will the Wikimedia Foundation provide visa assistance?
A: An invitation letter for all scholarship recipients requiring a visa to attend the conference will be provided (see Travel). We expect each recipient to contact their consulate or embassy on their own or through a visa service and pay any fees. If paying the visa fee is a hardship, the Foundation will cover this expense.
Wikimedia organization scholarships
Q: What other Wikimedia organizations are providing scholarships for attending Wikimania 2018?
A: This list of organizations offering scholarships is an ongoing process. See Wikimedia organizations scholarships for the full list.
Q: Do applicants interested in both a Wikimedia Foundation scholarship and another Wikimedia organization scholarship need to apply twice?
A: It varies. Some Wikimedia organizations will be using the applications for Wikimedia Foundation scholarships to select their recipients; in these cases, additional applications directly to the Wikimedia organization will not be necessary. However, other Wikimedia organizations require separate applications. See Scholarships#Wikimedia organizations scholarships for more information.
Q: If a Wikimedia organization requires separate applications, when is the deadline to apply?
A: That depends on the Wikimedia organization in question – see Scholarships Wikimedia organizations scholarships.
Q: Who is eligible for a Wikimedia organization scholarship?
A: Most Wikimedia organizations will only provide scholarships to individuals who are relevant to them, such as those who have contributed to Wikimedia projects in languages of interest to that organization, or who live in the country where the organization is based. See Scholarships Wikimedia organizations scholarships for more detail.
Q: How do Wikimedia organizations decide who receives their scholarships?
A: Final decisions on successful applications are usually made by the organization themselves. If an organization is using applications for Wikimedia Foundation scholarships (see above), they may take the reviews completed by WMF staff and the Scholarship Committee as a starting point. The organizations which do not use these applications will carry out their own review and selection process independently of both the Scholarship Committee and the Wikimedia Foundation.
Q: How do these other Wikimedia organization scholarships differ from Wikimedia Foundation scholarships?
A: They usually cover the same or similar expenses, but it varies by organization – see Scholarships Wikimedia organizations scholarships
If your question is not answered here, please contact or leave a message at Talk:Scholarships.