Program/Training needs of university students

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- University
- Wikipedia
- Students
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- Friday 20 July, 20:00 - 21:30
- Plenary hall
- Presenter(s)
Ángel Obregón (User:vanbasten 23)
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Very often we find teachers who prohibit their students from using Wikipedia to perform their assignments in class, in many cases because they do not know how to use it correctly. Since the creation of Wikipedia in 2001, numerous studies have been carried out on the use of Wikipedia in classrooms, but have barely analyzed the way students should use it, and if this usage is correct. In this study we have applied a mixed method, using a questionnaire designed and validated ad hoc, completed by 1,173 university students of Education in Spain, several discussion groups and interviews with expert editors of the Wikipedia in Spanish to determine which are the training needs of university students. It has been noted that university students use Wikipedia mainly because it is easy to use, has understandable explanations, and they use it in advanced stages of their research. They have not received training on it, nor have they been explained how to use it correctly.
Part of these results are a fragment of an education doctorate conducted by me in Spain, with cum laude distinction. So, following the Ubuntu philosophy, by presenting my results in Wikimania, others will be able to learn more and more on how teachers should support and guide their students in class. The focus of this paper will be on sharing advice and to show the conclusions about the aspects that are currently not working, allowing us to work on solutions together in the classrooms around the world.
The focus of this paper will be on sharing advice and to show the conclusions about the aspects that are currently not working, allowing us to work on solutions together in the classrooms around the world. The attendees will know the problems of the university problems with the Wikipedia and how we can solve them.
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