Program/Hands-on open science: how to bridge scientific knowledge gaps in Wikimedia projects

- Format
- Keywords
- Scientific knowledge
- Open science
- Citation needed
- Visual discovery
- When and where
- Friday 20 July, 20:00 - 21:30
- Plenary hall
- Presenter(s)
- Topic area
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Scientific knowledge is the bedrock of many Wikipedia articles and other Wikimedia projects. But as the prolific use of templates like Template:Citation needed shows, many references are missing, outdated, or unreliable. This is no surprise: with 2-3 million research articles published each year, even experts struggle to get and keep an overview of scientific fields.
We have created Open Knowledge Maps (, a visual interface to the world's scientific knowledge, to overcome these issues. With Open Knowledge Maps, anyone can create openly licensed overview maps of scientific topics of their choice. Based on either the most relevant or the most recent publications, Open Knowledge Maps creates a clustered overview of relevant sub-topics. In addition, users can choose the type of outputs that they would like to see (papers, books etc.). If a publication is open access, it can be read within the same interface.
In the poster session, we want to introduce Wikimania participants to Open Knowledge Maps and discuss the most common use cases for its use in Wikimedia projects. This includes updating outdated references, adding missing references, and finding reliable sources for a brand-new entry. In addition, we encourage participants to bring their own use cases so we can take them on board. We also want to discuss other ways of how Open Knowledge Maps can support Wikimedia projects, for example Wikidata, WikiResearch and WikiCite.
The poster will be presented by Peter Kraker, founder of Open Knowledge Maps, Maxi Schramm, head of user experience and design at Open Knowledge Maps, and Jeremiah Pietersen, Open Knowledge Maps community member at University of Cape Town.
After the workshop, Wikimedians will have another tool in their arsenal to discover scientific knowledge. They will know how to get an overview of a scientific field, how to keep this overview and how to use the knowledge gained to bridge knowledge gaps in Wikimedia projects.
- Masssly (talk) 23:13, 17 June 2018 (UTC)
- <add your username here if you are interested in attending>