カンフェレンスのプレゼン申請はMarch 18, 2018年3月18日日曜日の23:59 (UTC) が締め切り日時です。
提出する演題にはこのメインテーマとの関係性を説明し、テーマ区分をさらに1点、次のオプション一覧から選んでください – 言語と識字率、アクセスとアクセスしやすさ、参加と代表、コミュニティの健全性、コンテンツの質、法律と方針、知識の形態。これらオプションの意味はできるだけ広く、また革新的に解釈することが重要で - 提案は想像力にあふれたものにしてください。
会期中は発表を複数のトラックで平行して行っており、それぞれをトピックで分けています。演題を提出するときには、以下のトピックから最低1件を選んでください。 - 提唱とコミュニケーション、コミュニティと共同開発、GLAM(学術・研究機関)と教育、企業統治と戦略、研究と学術機関、科学と医学、技術とソフトウェア。ここでも、トピックはできるだけ広く提案者の思うままに革新的な解釈が望ましく、想像力あふれる提案をお願いします。
セッションの形式は大きく4つ – 口頭の発表、パネルディスカッション、ラウンドテーブル(だれでも発言できる議論)、ワークショップに分かれ、ポスター発表もあります。詳細は下記を参照してください。口頭の発表と議論はできるだけ聴衆とのやり取りを盛り込み、参加者の学びと共有につなげてください。肩の凝らない話し合い (Lightning talks) も顔見せ (Meetups) もイベントの時間近辺もしくはイベントの開催時間内に開きます。基調講演の講演者に心当たりのある人、あるいは上記の分類に当てはまらない発表形式を考えている人は、ぜひプログラム委員会にご連絡ください。
Answers to all questions in this section, except "website", are mandatory (required).
- First Name (your given name) and Last name (your family name or surname).
- Email. Your contact address to be informed by the Wikimania program committee if you have been accepted. This will not be published.
- Country. The country where you live. This will not be published.
- Organisation. Please indicate if your submission is presenting on behalf of a Wikimedia affiliate, community or professional organisation. If not, write "none".
- Website. Your personal or professional website, or Wikimedia userpage.
Answers to all questions in this section are required (mandatory).
- The Title of your proposed session. This should be descriptive, interesting, and short enough to fit on the conference schedule.
- The Abstract or description of your proposed session. Maximum 300 words. In this you must also include:
- An explanation of how this proposal relates to the conference theme. If your session does not correspond to the conference theme, please describe why you believe it is sufficiently important that it should still be included. Submissions which neither fit the theme nor explain why they should be exempt from the theme will not be accepted.
- If you are proposing a session in a language other than English please indicate which language, the expected audience for the session, and whether providing the session in English would be possible if the audience proved to be insufficient. Note, no professional interpretation services will be provided.
- The full URL of any project pages or important websites relevant to the proposal.
- Some Keywords. Write at least three important words or concepts which best explain the subject of your proposal. One word per line.
- Wikimedia usernames of yourself as well as those of any other participants in your proposed session. In the format:
etc. - Desired outcome of the session. Include a brief explanation of what you hope will happen as a result of this session. Sessions which only describe an event or project which has now concluded, without explanation to what the audience will gain from this presentation, will not be accepted.
- Topic, also known as the track or category that your presentation fits into best. You may select more than one, or “other”. If you select "other" please explain what it is in the abstract. The options are:
- Advocacy & Communication
- Communities & Collaboration
- GLAM & Education
- Governance & Strategy
- Research & Academia
- Science & Medicine
- Technology & Software
- Other - please describe in the abstract
- The Session format you are proposing. Generally, they are as follows but if you would like a different presentation format or duration, please mention this in the “special requests” field at the bottom of the form.
- Presentations/lectures will be a single or pair of presenters accompanied by visual aids. They have a duration of 25 minutes including questions.
- Panel discussions are 4-6 presenters having a moderator-guided conversation for 25 minutes including questions
- Roundtables are a forums for the audience to have a moderator-guided conversation discussion a particular issue for a 55 minute session
- Workshops will be practical teaching sessions or classes, and have a duration of 85 minutes
- Posters are printed descriptions of a topic on A0, A1, or A2 size paper, displayed in the communal area of the conference. Presenters will be available to answer questions at a specific session during the program.
- Relationship to the theme. Choose which "knowledge gap" or gaps your session will help to bridge. You may select more than one, or "other/none". If you select "other/none" please explain what it is in the abstract. Submissions which neither fit the theme, nor explain why they should be exempt from the theme, will not be accepted. You are encouraged to think imaginatively in understanding these options:
- 言語と & 識字率
- 入手できるか & 入手しやすいかAccess & accessibility
- 参加する & 仲間を代表する
- コミュニティの健全性
- コンテンツの質
- 法の遵守 & 方針
- 知識の形態
- その他/なし – 要約欄に説明をお願いします
- 提案が最も近いウィキメディアのプロジェクトもしくはプロジェクト群 (ウィキペディア、ウィキデータ、コモンズ等...)。選択は2件以上でも「全部」でも結構です。ウィキメディアの特定のプロジェクトに当てはまらない場合は「other」を選び、要約欄で説明してください。
Information gathered in this section will not be published on the conference wiki and the questions may be left blank (they are optional).
- Past presentation. If you have presented previously at Wikimania, please give the Full URL link to the session description from that Wikimania's program page. If there is no link to the slides or recording of your session on that page, and one exists, please link to it as well. If you have presented more than once, please link to the most recent. If you have NOT presented at any previous Wikimania conference, please leave this field blank. The purpose of this question is to identify statistically how many "first time Wikimania presenters" are accepted this year, and to cross-reference past-presenters previous submission descriptions with their current submission.
- Gender. Please indicate your gender, or leave blank if you prefer not to say. The purpose of this question is to determine the gender-ratio of accepted speakers at the conference.
- Language. Please indicate your native language or "mother tongue", or leave blank. The purpose of this question is to determine how many different native languages are spoken by the accepted speakers of the conference. Equally it will determine what proportion of accepted speakers will be presenting in English as a native language or as a second (etc.) language. If you feel you speak multiple languages natively, choose the one with the smaller number of speakers!
- Scholarship. Please indicate if you have received a full, or partial, scholarship from the Wikimedia Foundation or a Wikimedia Chapter. Or leave blank if you prefer not to say. The purpose of this question is to determine what proportion of accepted speakers are scholarship recipients.
- Special requests. If you have any special requests, such as a non-standard presentation format or duration, please mention it here.
- Please be informed that the title, author, and abstract of all submissions will be published under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 License on the conference wiki. Presentations at the conference may be recorded, and any recordings would also be published under the same license.
- Please make sure that your presentation is aligned with the Wikimedia Friendly Space policy.
- Presenters at Wikimania are encouraged to share their slides and other materials online and with a free-license as soon as possible after the event. Wherever possible, these slides should use free-licensed source materials to facilitate that sharing.
- Please contact the Programme Committee if you do not understand or are uncomfortable with any of these terms (for example, if you would prefer your presentation not be filmed).
To make a submission for Wikimania 2018, clicking the link below and follow the instructions.
Submissions will be made privately via the EasyChair conference management software. If you have used EasyChair for a conference submission in the past, including for Wikimania 2016 Esino Lario, you can re-use that username/password.
カンファレンスの演題の提案締め切りは、 2018年3月18日(日曜)
23:59 (UTC)です
- どうして全体テーマを決めてすべての発表がそれと関連がないとだめなのですか?
- 詳細はウィキマニアのテーマに関するブログ投稿を読んで、今回のテーマに決まった背景をご理解ください。発表はすべてこのテーマに沿う必要があり、もしそれを外すのであれば、プレゼン資料で別のテーマを取上げる特筆性を説明していただきます。このように、テーマは「きちんと守るけど守り方はわりにゆるい」ので - プログラム委員会ではプレゼン申請者にぜひ独創的な角度からテーマに取り組んでくださるようお願いしています。一例として、〈ソフトウェアの地域化〉と説明するよりも、今回のテーマの〈入手と入手のしやすさ〉という枠組みで語ることができます。
- どうしてプレゼンの申請に別のウェブサイトを使うのですか? 去年まで同様、ウィキマニアのウィキ上で取り扱えないのですか?
- 実は去年のプログラム委員会から、「ウィキ上の申請と電子メールツールが機能不全だった」という最重要ポイントが申し送りされています。具体的には、手作業と遅れが膨大にあったのです。その結果、カンフェレンスのプレゼン申請管理に特化したソフトウェアへ移行しました。 (オンウィキで運用せず) プライベートであるため、カンファレンスの発表内容の多様性を高めるために非公開にすべき情報をお聞きすることができます。オンウィキのシステムでは結果として不透明性が付きまとってしまったため、今回はプログラム委員会で審査過程が終了した段階で、プレゼンの申請全件の題名、作成者、要約を公表します。使用するソフトウェアはEasyChairというもので、申請者はアカウント登録が必要です。しかしながら、2016年ウィキマニアで導入実績があるので、そのウィキマニアにプレゼンを申請した人は同じログインの条件を再利用することができます。
- 英語以外の言語でプレゼンしてもよいですか?
- カンファレンスの共通語は英語ですが、英語でなくてもプレゼンの申請に支障はありません。ただし申請そのものは委員会で審査できるように英語でなければいけません。もし英語以外で発表する場合は、ケープタウンのウィキマニアの参加者のうち、その言語を理解できるから英語でないほうが助かるという人たちが、まとまった数になるという予想の根拠を説明してください。ひとつの証明方法として、英語以外の発表があるならウィキマニアに出席してみようかと思う人が、いつも利用するウィキにたくさんいるのならそういうユーザー同士の議論にリンクを張ってください。また、その言語で発表するプレゼンに出席するかもしれない参加者が、じつは複数の国からやってくるという点を具体的に提示してもらえると助かります。もし特定の言語で複数のセッションが申請され、どれも話題性のあるテーマだったとすると、プログラム委員会ではそれらを同一のグループにまとめる対応を考えます。ただしケープタウンで開くウィキマニアでは、会場にプロ通訳者・翻訳者サービスは配置しない点にご留意ください。
- ケープタウンは水不足だと聞いていますけど、ウィキマニアに影響しませんか?
- 水不足のページをご覧ください。
- プレゼンを申請すると、補助金をもらいやすくなるのですか?
- いいえ。助成金の申請者選択規定とプログラムに関連はありません。確かにプログラムのプレゼン申請に際して、助成金を受給するかどうか[任意]の設問がありますが、これはデータ上の設問であり - プレゼン申請者と、実際にプレゼンした発表者と、それぞれに占める助成金受給者の割合を統計的にウィキマニア完了報告書にデータとして使う予定です。
Reviewing criteria
At least two members of the Program Committee reviewed each submission, more if there is a wide gap between their qualitative and quantitative responses. The quantitative 'scores' and qualitative reviewing comments will not be made public - as to do so would impede the ability of the committee to review honestly and (especially in the case of the quantitative review) would give a misleading impression of "numerical rank" being the only criteria. Whereas instead many other factors (including timeslots available, presenters who can no longer attend, duplicate presentation subjects, and convenient grouping of subjects) come in to play. If you are a submitter and wish to receive specific feedback on your proposal, please contact the committee. Unfortunately, the "EasyChair" system does not allow the submissions themselves to be made publicly - if it were we would have chosen that option, as that would have reduced the number of submissions on the same subject by different people.
Notwithstanding the above, in order to provide some transparency into the process, the rubric that all committee members use for the first round of reviewing is as follows:
- "Link to theme: Does the proposal respond to the theme 'bridging knowledge gaps'? If not, does it justify why the proposal is sufficiently significant to justify inclusion nonetheless?"
- 4: Very strong and clearly explained link to theme
- 2: Acceptable link to theme, adequate description
- 1: Not linked to theme, but with adequate justification for being an exception
- 0: Loose or poorly described link to theme
- -2: No obvious link to theme, no justification for exception made
- "Clear session outcome: Will the attendees (or the presenter) learn or create something as a result of this presentation? Is there a clear benefit for this presentation being delivered in person at this event?"
- 3: Strong expected outcomes for audience and presenter, clearly thought through
- 1: Some learning outcomes described
- 0: Relevant submission, but unclear who would benefit an in-person presentation
- -2: Merely a description of a past or ongoing project, no expected learning outcomes
- -4: Not relevant for this event
- "First time presenter: If accepted, will this be the author's first time presenting at any Wikimania?"
- 1: Yes
- 0: No
- "Presenter from the local region: Is the presenter from sub-Saharan Africa?"
- 1: Yes
- 0: No
- "General evaluation: What is your overall impression of this submission for this event?"
- 4: Strong accept
- 2: Accept
- 1: Weak accept
- 0: Can't decide
- -1: Weak reject
- -2: Reject
- -4: Not relevant for this event
Following these quantitative fields, the reviewer is also asked to provide the following qualitative review:
- "Evaluation comment: A short overall review comment. Why should this be accepted or rejected? Add any comments to other reviewers"
Finally, the reviewer is also asked to confirm the format type/length, and language.