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The Decolonizing Debate: Social Media as Source Archive and Wikipedia

From Wikimania

The Decolonizing Debate: Social Media as Source Archive and Wikipedia

Speaker: Dr. Sean Jacobs, The New School

Date: Saturday, 21th July. Time: 09:00 Location: Montreal & Mexico City

Sean Jacobs
Sean Jacobs

With debates over expanding the limits over what is considered Wikipedia's knowledge sources, my talk will explore what lessons we can gain from recent political developments in the host country, i.e. the decolonizing movement, and more generally debates within academia over the internet, especially social media, as source archive.

Biography Sean Jacobs, a native of Cape Town, is associate professor of international affairs at The New School in New York City. He is also founder and editor of Africa is a Country, a site of criticism, analysis and new writing. He is currently a Ford Foundation #AfricaNoFilter Fellow.